Samsung Bot Air is an Air Purifying Robot for Your Home

Most of us think that we are safe from air pollution once we enter our home. Unfortunately, things like lead, dust, fire-retardants, formaldehyde, radon, and chemicals from things like household cleaners can easily follow us inside. Children with asthma and the elderly are especially vulnerable. Well, thanks to Samsung, we may soon be able to make our home’s air cleaner and the best part is we won’t even have to lift a finger.


Samsung Bot Air is an Air Purifying Robot for Your Home - YellRobot
credit: Samsung

Robot Purifies the Air in Your Home

Meet the Samsung Bot Air. It will autonomously go around your house and purify the air. Onboard sensors help the bot gauge air quality. If it finds the air is tainted, it will move to the source and begin purifying.

The Samsung Bot Air will also give updates on its progress and the home’s air quality via its intuitive lighting. The colors range from red (bad air quality) to green (fresh air). Thanks to LiDar sensors the air purifying robot can navigate homes autonomously avoiding any objects or pets that may get in the way. Using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) it will scan the area to map out its most efficient route in analyzing the home.

The company recently gave a sneak peek of the Bot Air and a few of its other upcoming robots at the 2019 Kitchen and Bath Industry Show (KBIS) in Las Vegas. No word yet on when the Samsung Bot Air hit the market or pricing.


Check out our articles on Samsung’s smart shirt and robots building their own museum.