Robot Pole Dancers to Debut at French Club
If you happen to be in Nantes, France and are looking for a little ”adult entertainment”, one club’s latest additions may slightly creep you out. To help celebrate its fifth anniversary, the SC-Club has hired a few entertainers that stretch the definition of the word “beauty”. The two new “pole dancers” are robots complete with human-like limbs, high heels and giant heads that look like CCTV cameras.
The robot pole dancers were created by British artist Giles Walker, who has overlaid their metal bodies with parts from plastic mannequins. As far as the CCTV heads go, he said the robots are aimed to “play with the notion of voyeurism”, posing the question of “who has the power between the voyeur and the observed person”.
Walker came up with the idea about ten years ago. He has toured and loaned out the robots to different places over the past few years. It’s more of an art project and ode to robotics than “Adult Entertainment”
The 10 human dancers at the club should be safe for now as owner Laurent Roue has no plans to replace them with robots. No word on if the new droid dancers accept tips or not.
source: Sky News
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