Man Drives ‘Transformer’ on Streets of Beijing, Gets Pulled Over By Cops

In China, a DIY inventor is fulfilling a childhood dream of many of us. This super genius has decided to take life to the next level and build his own Transformer robot. He recently took it for a spin on the streets of Beijing and attracted a sea of onlookers/fanboys.


credit: Shanghaiist

Transformer Robot on Streets of Beijing

The “Transformer” looked to be about 10-12 feet high and slowly moved down the suburban streets towering over nearby buses and cars. Unfortunately, the local police or possibly Decepticons pulled over the large robot and told him to get off the roads. The man obliged and returned to his home planet of Cybertron.

The Transformers franchise is hugely popular in China and a few others have built their own Transformers in preparation for the next intergalactic civil war. Optimus Prime was unavailable for comment.


Check out our article on robots conducting funerals and ones that make you pizza.