Malaysia Robot Medibot to Do Rounds in Virus Wards

Like the rest of the planet, Malaysia is fighting COVID-19. The country has reported 4,683 coronavirus cases, including 76 deaths. In turn, they are looking for ways to help keep medical staff safe and decrease human to human interactions. 

Scientists at the International Islamic University Malaysia have developed a robot that they soon hope will be supporting medical staff at hospitals across the country. It is aimed at helping nurses and doctors working in the wards with social distancing.

Medibot Malaysia Coronavirus Robot - YellRobot

Medibot Checks Temperature and Allows Patients to Communicate Via Video

Meet the Medibot. The five-foot barrel shaped robot will be making rounds in hospitals checking specifically on coronavirus patients. It includes a device to check patients’ temperatures remotely. The information can then be sent to the medical staff. Patients can also communicate with doctors through video chat thanks to the robot’s onboard camera and screen.

As far as pricing goes, the Medibot cost about $3,500 to develop. The University plans to trial the robot in their own facility and then send them for use in government hospitals.

Check out our articles on robots fighting COVID-19 in hotels and a patient simulator that can bleed, cry and sweat.