Bahrain Using Bilingual Robots in Fight Against COVID-19

Bahrain has suffered 7,532 cases of COVID-19 with 12 fatalities since the outbreak began. In an attempt to curb the spread of the disease, they have implemented a variety of strict measures. This includes screenings at entry points and travel restrictions on high-risk areas. They’ve also created the “BeAware” app which automatically alerts users if they come in contact with people who have contracted the disease.  Now to further the fight against COVID-19, they are turning to artificial intelligence.

Robots will be assisting in hospitals and isolation wards doing things like checking body temperatures, serving meals, administering medication, and even sanitizing rooms with UV light. Onboard sensors and cameras allow the robots to communicate with staff and patients. The impressive robots can speak to staff and patients in 12 different languages.

“It is certainly a new medical revolution and we want to see how this benefits patients and staff. We have started using the robots in the isolation and treatment facilities as part of the experimental phase to use AI in the health sector,” said Dr. Waleed Al Manea, from Bahrain’s Health Ministry.

Bahrain Coronavirus Robots May Roll Out Nationwide

Government officials hope the robots will protect health care workers by limiting person to person contact. They will also help free up human workers for other tasks. If all goes well with the pilot program, Bahrain will roll out the robots nationwide.

“This new technology will help doctors and nurses as they can evaluate the effectiveness of the robots and help incorporate them in their daily work,” said Dr. Al Manea.

image credit: AFP

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